
Digitális Föld Csereprogram (DEX) Diákpályázat

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"Student Competition + Scholarship.
A requisite step in addressing the future of Digital Earth is to invest in the next generation’s educational foundations for harnessing advanced technologies and applications. In meeting this objective, the Secretariat of the 5th International Symposium on Digital Earth has launched a collective set of seminal activities that will help stimulate and promote the prowess of Digital Earth among a wide variety of campuses across North America and internationally. The following components comprise the comprehensive strategy to provide the necessary tools, internet architecture, and incentives for university students to actively participate over the months leading to
First Annual International Digital Earth Student Competition.

Digital Earth Exchange (DEX) – A network of supercomputers, led by the Japanese Earth Simulator (the world’s largest computer) and the San Diego Supercomputer, led by the Visualization Center of San Diego State University form a backbone for the operation of multiple “geobrowsers” and the appropriate resources of large area geo-referenced data sets. Protocols and established documentation procedures are being developed in conjunction with the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative led by UC Berkeley and the Digital Alexandria project led by UC Santa Barbara. This Digital Earth Exchange network will function as the repository and server operations center for the performance of geobrowser tessellation engines, including NASA’s World Wind, GeoFusion GeoMatrix Toolbox, and other commercial “digital earths.” This will enable thin-client performance via the network and public access to the information and computational resources.Digital Earth Reference Model (DERM) – A reference model has been resurrected from the Federal Geospatial Data Committee and ISO communities in collaboration with the original NASA led Interagency Working Group on Digital Earth. The DERM is currently being handled by a coalition of open-system developers including the Open Geo and Open Geospatial Consortium. This standard reference model will enable researchers and students to quickly access the most advanced set of standards and protocols for development and operation of advanced technological systems and applications. The DERM coordination is being led by Dr. Charles Herring.Rules for the Scholarships & Competitions - Beginning on the 1st of November, 2006, specifications for the Competitions and Scholarships will be promulgated to a core of set of universities and their community networks who will be invited to apply for Digital Earth Scholarships in the form of selected student licenses for the Digital Earth tessellation engines (currently available for GeoFusion’s GeoMatrix Toolkit and NASA World Wind) for the university research projects. This license access, under supervision of the professors, will place valuable technical software resource tools into the hands of creative and progressive intellectual leaders among the student population. Students will be required to demonstrate either (1) advances in the performance or attributes of the 3-D tessellation engines or demonstrate an (2) application (i.e., Earth science, climate change, social, humanitarian, et cetera) portraying creativity and excellence in visualizing and communication of a thematic topic. The student demonstrations must be submitted into the Digital Earth Exchange (details on these specifications to be announced asap) by 1 April 2007 for consideration by the judges. Student winners will be notified by 1 May to arrange for travel to the 5th International Symposium on Digital Earth event in San Francisco to receive their prizes.
Coordinators for the Student Competitions and Scholarships for the ISDE5 Secretariat are Professor Nick Faust (Space Technology Hall of Fame (1993)) and Chuck Stein (Vice President of GeoFusion)."
Source: www.isde5.org
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